Tuesday, 20 August 2013

My Lovely Father


         I was my father’s favourite daughter in my family. My father was a hot-tempered person. He has no patience and he will get mad easily. Anyway, I know that he was a loving and caring person deep inside him.

      When I was sick, my father went into the bushes with his machete and collected leaves, grasses and barks for making medicine. He boiled them in a pot, and he did not let it boil over. He then forced me to be steamed in the medicine, under a tent formed by a large mat. He held me down when I struggled to escape from the choking and overpowering steam. Even though he forced me, I could sense his love for me because he cares about me and he did not want me to get sick.

         Other than that, there’s a time when my father had been imprisoned and he was going to be hanged, so I broke my 28 days visit to the family of my future husband and returned home because I really worried about my father. But I was satisfied a bit when I heard that something was being done to help my father. As soon as I heard that my father would be free from the prison, I prepared some food for him because I care about his health. I love him so much and he was the only one father. I know that he had no appetite but he still eat to please me. This shows how much he loves me and I should love him in that way too.


Tuesday, 13 August 2013

They wanted me to be a boy

          I still remembered when I was ten years old, my father wished that I were a boy. It was the time when my father killed Ikemefuna. I really did not mind that  if he thought of me like that because I know he wanted his children to be as same as him. Start from the moment, I always did man’s chores such as brought my father’s goatskin bag like what both of my brothers would always do.

           After seven years being exiled, there were many changes happened in my family including my own brother, Nwoye. He did not belong to our clan anymore. Nwoye, who was supposed to be a man like our father but he has disappointed our father by changing his belief. So, instead of Nwoye, my father put his hope on me so that i could help him to gain back his power in the clan after being exiled.

              There were many young men and wealthy middle-aged men of Mbanta came to marry me but my father said to me that he would be happy if I marry in Umuofia when we returned home. I knew right away that my father still wished that I were a boy because I could bear no other person but my father. So, I agreed with my father’s decision because I understand his wishes. This was the only way for me to show my love towards my father. I did not want him to despair on what I was doing as he had put high expectation on me.

              Since my father knew that I understand him well, he asked me to explain to my half-sister, Obiageli about the marriage. I had actually influenced my half-sister about the marriage and she also agreed on it. This was an accomplishment for me and also shows that I obeyed my father.


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

A terrified day: Agbala wanted to see me.

          A day full of terrified and scared. My mother, Ekwefi was gone most of the day. I was taken to the oracle by Chielo. 

          My night changed when the priestess came to our hut. She informed my father and Ekwefi that the Agbala, Oracle of the Hills and Caves wanted to see me. My father refused and tried to persuade her to come back in the morning because I had already fall asleep. The priestess ignored father and shouted that Agbala wanted to see me. Then, she reminded my father to beware not to disobey the god’s will. She just takes me on her back and carried me all the way to the Oracle. I started to cry. Ekwefi consoled me and gave me some fish. I felt scared because I totally have no idea of knowing what would happen next. 

         On the way, I knew Ekwefi followed scarcely in the back because she afraid of something might be happen. It was a very long walk. She carried me and rounded of the nine villagers. I felt so tired. The priestess then entered the Oracle’s cave. 

          As I was carried into the cave, I was terrified. After that, I could not remember what had happened. The only thing that I remembered was she took me back to Ekwefi’s hut and put me on bed. 

          After that, I had some rest. I woke up and saw other children took their water-pots and went to Obierika’s compound. I also took mine and went to help them. Everything is slowly getting back to normal in our village and a lot of people are happier than usual.  


Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I smiled seeing him happy for once.

Wrestling Match

          Today, I went to a wrestling match with my mum, Ekwefi. It was quite exciting. I could hear the drums start beating from my house and I got more eager and excited and wanted to go there at that moment, but we had to stay for dinner. As the sun sink to the big golden hills, I watched in the direction of the drums banging in the distance. I kept on waiting for Ekwefi. Finally, Ekwefi grabbed her chair and went to the match. 

          When we reached there, wrestlers have not arrived yet and drummers kept drumming. I saw that almost everyone there was standing except the few who got there early enough. I thought we would be late for the event because Ekwefi was being so slow. We went to the match and it was entertaining from start to finish. 

          At the start of the match, I was very anxious for the fight. The boys on the match arena were about fifteen or sixteen years old. There was about three boys each team. They were not the real wrestlers but they just set the scene for the real ones.

        As the match started, the crowd screamed and roared for the wrestlers as one of the wrestlers threw another on the ground. Three boys from the victorious team ran toward to cheer him on. At that moment, I saw my father, Okonkwo cheered on the wrestlers. For the first time, I smiled seeing him happy. 


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

The Feast of the New Yam

     The Feast of the New Yam was approaching. I could see that everyone in Umoufia was busy preparing for the upcoming celebration. My father Okonkwo wasn’t in that mood as everyone in the village. He never was enthusiastic with celebrations. 

        It was nearly noon on the second day of the New Yam Festival which was also a wrestling match took place. Ekwefi and I sat near the fireplace waiting for a pot of water to boil. After it boiled, Ekwefi picked up the hot pan with her bare hands. I totally surprised with her action. I asked Ekwefi if older people didn’t feel burns. She answered me when people are grown up, fire does not burn them. Suddenly, I felt twitching in my eyelid. Then, I told her is my top eyelid. Ekwefi answered, “That means you will see something.” I will see something. Maybe the wrestling match will show me something important. I guess. 

           As Nwoye;s mother asked for live coals, Ekwefi grabbed a few live coals in a pot and handed them to me. I brought to her and helped her to build a fire. I was blowing the fire trying to start but Nwoye’s mother had me grab the fan instead saying I will blow my eyes out. 

     At dinner, my father asked me to sit like a woman. He also refused to accept offer when I wanted to bring chair for him. The dinner went on normally after that. The drums continued to beat for the start of wrestling match. 
