Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I smiled seeing him happy for once.

Wrestling Match

          Today, I went to a wrestling match with my mum, Ekwefi. It was quite exciting. I could hear the drums start beating from my house and I got more eager and excited and wanted to go there at that moment, but we had to stay for dinner. As the sun sink to the big golden hills, I watched in the direction of the drums banging in the distance. I kept on waiting for Ekwefi. Finally, Ekwefi grabbed her chair and went to the match. 

          When we reached there, wrestlers have not arrived yet and drummers kept drumming. I saw that almost everyone there was standing except the few who got there early enough. I thought we would be late for the event because Ekwefi was being so slow. We went to the match and it was entertaining from start to finish. 

          At the start of the match, I was very anxious for the fight. The boys on the match arena were about fifteen or sixteen years old. There was about three boys each team. They were not the real wrestlers but they just set the scene for the real ones.

        As the match started, the crowd screamed and roared for the wrestlers as one of the wrestlers threw another on the ground. Three boys from the victorious team ran toward to cheer him on. At that moment, I saw my father, Okonkwo cheered on the wrestlers. For the first time, I smiled seeing him happy. 


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